May 18, 2021

Happy Surfing Okinawa guest house / surf school / surf guide / stand up paddle board / snorkel camp daily wave report. Small ESE swell with S winds making clean conditions for long board / Okinawa surf guide. If your visiting Okinawa or new to Okinawa and would like to surf we have school / guide most everyday in Okinawa ;) Surf  with a pro surfer who can guide you in and out safely. Tides and waves change quickly and its best to learn the ropes from a local guide.
     縄サーフガイド  沖縄サーフィンスクール  沖縄ゲストハウス 

 沖縄スタンドアップパドルボード 沖縄シュノーケル
early start!!

early rewards!!

custom surfboards from Happy Surfing Okinawa
and Imaginationa
and to the best spot for the day
Okinawa surfing guide

glassy , fun , small waves!!

started on the fast, hollow right

then moved over to the super long rolling peak!!
great for long boarding!!

we love our custom boards!!

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