August 31, 2017

Okinawa daily wave report. Happy Surfing Okinawa guest house surf / sup / snorkel camp. We set out for some searching and found some fun chest to head high walls. Small long period typhoon swell hitting some of the reefs along the east side. Should peak into tomorrow am.クール 沖縄サーフガイド
沖縄ゲストハウス 沖縄スタンドアップパドルボード 沖縄シュノーケリング

                                          beautiful but was sectioning..maybe better angle gets good!!

                                          opted for this more ripable wave.

                                          and some fun long board waves out back of the guest house :)

August 30, 2017

Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup / Snorkel Camp daily wave report. Waves today are well over head  and messy conditions at most exposed reefs along the east coast. We opted for Okinawa surfing school in a sheltered by with waist high semi choppy conditions. Look for waves along the east and west to size up tomorrow.クール 沖縄サーフガイド
沖縄ゲストハウス 沖縄スタンドアップパドルボード 沖縄シュノーケリング