May 27, 2014

Happy Surfing Okinawa surf report for today: Small waits high plus, clean, long board Great for surfing school or learning to surf. Come visit Okinawa Ryukyu islands!! Time to surf!! :) Lets eat at the Okinawa fish market before surfing!!  今日の沖縄の波はロングボードウェーブの腰サイズ。沖縄には初めてサーフィンをする方やサーフィンを始めたばかりの方に最適な波が沢山あります。そしてゲストハウスの近くには港があり魚のセリが見れたり、新鮮な刺身や天ぷらが食べられます。Welcome to Okinawa!!! 沖縄サーフィンスクール 沖縄サーフィンガイド 沖縄ゲストハウス 沖縄マグロ

May 25, 2014

 Fun waves today in Okinawa around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School!! Head high over semi clean waves!! Time to surf!! Surfing guide Okinawa :)  今日の沖縄の波は腰~頭サイズのファンウェーブ 沖縄サーフィン 沖縄SUPガイド 沖縄サーフィンガイド 沖縄ゲストハウス

May 22, 2014

Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School. Okinawa surf report today waist high plus and clean conditions. Looking good for surfing school or stand up paddle boarding waves. Happy surfing!! :)

May 21, 2014

The waves today behind the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School are waist high plus and semi clean conditions. Great day for surfing lessons!!

May 20, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School are waist high plus and clean conditions. Perfect for learning to surf!! :)

May 19, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup Camp are waist high and semi clean conditions. Great day for surfing school!!

May 17, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School are waist high and semi choppy conditions....Great for learning to surf!!

May 13, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School are waist high and clean conditions. Great for surfing lessons!

May 12, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf ./ Sup School are waist high plus and semi clean conditions. Good day for learning to surf ! Surf lessons.

May 7, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup Camp are waist to chest high and clean conditions. Great day for surfing lessons / surf guide

May 6, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School are knee to waist high and clean conditions. Great for long board surfing and surfing lessons.

May 4, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School are chest high and semi clean conditions. Looking good for surfing school!! Surf guide Okinawa :)

May 2, 2014

The waves today around the Happy Surfing Okinawa Guest House Surf / Sup School are head high plus and semi choppy conditions. Inside fun for surfing school!! Okinawa surf guide